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جراحی عمومی

بیمارستان تخصصی و فوق تخصصی لاله با بیش از 33 هزار متر زیربنا ، با 240 تخت قابل گسترش تا 420 تخت در 8 طبقه در زمینی به مساحت 10 هزار و 25 متر مربع در منطقه شهرک غرب بر اساس آخرین استانداردهای ابلاغی وزارت بهداشت و شهرداری و سایر سازمانهای ذیصلاح احداث شده است
250 پزشک متخصص که از اعضاء هیئت علمی دانشگاههای کشور هستند به همراه 960 نفر کادر درمانی و اداری مجرب در 29 بخش تخصصی و 24 کلینیک درمانی این بیمارستان مشغول به کار هستند.

About Laleh

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

About Laleh

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

About Laleh

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

About Laleh

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

About Laleh

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

مستشفى لاله التخصصي والفائق التخصص ببنية تحتية تبلغ مساحتها أكثر من 33 ألف متر مربع، تضم 240 سريرًا قابلة للتوسيع إلى 420 سريرًا على 8 طوابق في أرض مساحة 10 آلاف و 25 متر مربع بمنطقة شهرک غرب حسب آخر تحديث المعايير التي أعلنتها وزارة الصحة والبلدية وغيرها من المنظمات المختصة الأخری

درباره بیمارستان لاله

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

دليل الزوار
راهنمای مراجعین

Laleh specialized and super-specialized hospital with more than 33 thousand square meters of infrastructure, with 240 beds that can be expanded to 420 beds on 8 floors in a land with an area of 10 thousand and 25 square meters in the West Shahrek area, based on the latest standards announced by the Ministry of Health and Municipality and other Competent organizations have been established

اطلاعات تماس

تهران، شهرك غرب، فاز 5 ، خيابان سيماي ايران، نبش خيابان شجريان جنوبي (فلامك جنوبي)

  • تلفن : ۸۸۵۶۳۰۲۰ ، ۸۱۴۷۲۰۰۰ ( ۲۱ ۹۸ + )
  • پست الکترونیک :
  • فکس : ۸۸۵۷۱۰۸۱ ( ۲۱ ۹۸ + )
Contact Info

Tehran, Shahrak Gharb, Phase 5, Simai Iran St., corner of South Shajarian St. (South Flamek)

Phone: +982188563020, +982181472000
Fax: +982188571081

Contact Info

Tehran, Shahrak Gharb, Phase 5, Simai Iran St., corner of South Shajarian St. (South Flamek)

Phone: +982188563020, +982181472000
Fax: +982188571081

Contact Info

Tehran, Shahrak Gharb, Phase 5, Simai Iran St., corner of South Shajarian St. (South Flamek)

Phone: +982188563020, +982181472000
Fax: +982188571081

اطلاعات تماس

Tehran, Shahrak Gharb, Phase 5, Simai Iran St., corner of South Shajarian St. (South Flamek)

Phone: +982188563020, +982181472000
Fax: +982188571081

اطلاعات تماس

العنوان:طهران،شهرک غرب شارع سیمای ایران،زاویة شارع شجریان

  • هاتف : ۸۸۵۶۳۰۲۰ ، ۸۱۴۷۲۰۰۰ ( ۲۱ ۹۸ + )
  • البرید الکترونیکی :
  • فکس : ۸۸۵۷۱۰۸۱ ( ۲۱ ۹۸ + )